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Siavash Amini A/V 2013

Interactive Light Design on stage, made for our own Siavash Amini

Interactive Light Design on stage, made for our own Siavash Amini

As one of our main interests and expertise in interactive lighting possibilities, our team at CODON is always trying to explore new ideas in the field. For this project we decided to design a simple and decorative interactive stage lighting setup.
After a few researches and developments, we came up with 20 LED columns which we could control individually via our custom software. The design was rather minimal and simple in the first look, but the complexity behind the making and the programming was quite challenging.

As one of the collaborators in this project Ashkan Jazayeri was in charge of the electronics details. Also talented Visual Artist Ronak Rezaie was in charge of the visuals on the back screen for the concert which made the project a beautiful collaboration.

Siavash Amini 2013 from CODON Interactive Media on Vimeo.