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An audio reactive light sculpture
An audio reactive light sculpture
Since each of us here at CODON have our own solo artistic careers, “CELLULAR” is an interactive light sculpture by our own Amir B. Ashrafzadeh. Inspired by different cell formations and bundles Amir designed this project as a visual set for the iranian electronic musician Umchunga’s live set at SETFEST 2015. Aside from funding, CODON’s involvement in this project was on the technical side, which included developing a custom software for controlling the cells and also making the hardware.
For the software we used Processing to develop a custom software with the map of the cells implemented in the GUI, to make it easier to control the lights during the show. Amir also wanted to be able to control the fade in/out speed and a color palette to create different atmospheres according to the music which was added to the GUI. The software was also able to detect sound over OSC , sending the data to Amir’s Computer and over to the cells.
As for the hardware we used specially made addressable RGB LEDs placed inside polycarbonate light bulbs and Fadecandy as the micro controller.